Saturday, July 12, 2008


Can I just say thank you to those who invented the internet, let me see was it "Al Gore" well whoever it was, it sure made my today special. I remember when my first grandchild was born. Jim and Melanie lived in Indiana and I was here in MD and we didn`t see her for a couple of months. I would cry almost everyday and Melanie would call me and we would cry together. Matt and Jess are in TN, but the internet has come a long way in the past few years. It was such a blessing to see the videos of Matt, Jess, Angie, the hospital rm. and nurses and meet the Midwife actually MidMIVES because Jess was there so long. Of course the best part was being able to see Elias only minutes old in his daddy`s arms and the brief smile and yawn, oh how precious he is. I could not help but think of how excited we were to have a boy after 2 precious :) girls. I remember the moment he was born, everyone in the delivery room got so excited, (of course working in Maternity made it more personal) and I was trying to come out of the anesthesia because I knew it must be a boy from the way everyone was acting. When I finally woke up the Dr. was holding him up butt first so I could see he was a boy. I can hardly believe that same little boy is on a video holding his own little boy. I am so blessed by you God, I can hardly wait to see how you are going to allow me be a part of his life.

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