Wednesday, January 30, 2008

WOW, Life Is Busy

It has been awhile since posting here, but hopefully today will be quiet. In the past few weeks I have been busy preparing for our new Bible Study, "Living Free" by Beth Moore. It is an amazing follow-up study of "Breaking Free". I`m am really enjoying taking care of the girls, they have actually taken naps at my house which is a big thing since they love their own beds. Twins are so much fun and so different then having one. I love listening to them talk and play with each other and sometimes when I put them down for their nap, I stand at the door and listen to them. It`s amazing how well they seem to understand each other when I can hardly understand what they are telling me and have to look to Emma many times for her to interpret Sierra.

On Wednesdays I pick Layton up from school and we go to his favorite place, the toy section at Walgreen Pharmacy. We could be an advertisement for Walgreens. It takes him forever to pick out something, mainly because it has to be $5.00 or less and their toy supply is getting low. I think next time we will go to dollar tree, :-) Layton is really growing up. He actually will talk to people, of course that is when we aren`t around. I have to laugh when teachers or helpers tell me something he has told them, it just isn`t like him to talk to others, but believe me when I say he can talk to us non-stop. When we get to the house, he likes to play cards and used to get mad if I won, but he is better now. We always have to stop at McDonalds for a happy meal on our way back to town to meet his mom. He gives me instructions everytime I order, 'Grandmom, you know I want ,a Happy Meal, right,' 'yes Layton,' and with whatever drink is his fav for the evening, 'and don`t forget to say,' "a toy for a boy." "Ok Grandmom", "Ok Layton".

Check back for some pictures tomorrow.

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