Friday, November 2, 2007

Jesus Is The Answer

This week`s bible study, "Binding Up The Brokenhearted" reminds us of the passionate, tender side of Christ. When our hearts are broken we are vulnerable to almost anything. I pray that each one of us will be able to embrace one of the reasons Christ was sent to us. In Isa.61:1 Christ makes a statement of truth, "He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted". I have cried to the Lord so many times through trials and losses and hurts that I would say at times, "God it`s me again, I`m sorry to come to you with the same problem, but I don`t seem to be able to get past this." I remember the first time I heard the song, "The Comforter Has Come". I sobbed, I needed a comforter, as a mother hen hides and comforts her chicks, I needed a hiding place. We have all had broken hearts, sometimes small cuts, sometimes large fractures, but no matter how small or large, Christ is the one holding the bandage. First we need Christ to be our Savior, but when our hearts are broken we need Him to be our comforter. Before past hurts become our captivity let`s remember Isa. 61:1.

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